Why Use CBD? | Franny's Farmacy

Why Use CBD?



“Over the last three decades, the endocannabinoid system has emerged as a new cell-signaling system, like another kind of ‘hormone,’ with an important role to maintain human and non-human health,”…“We know that when the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is deregulated, it is the starting point for several health disorders.” – Read More

“Some biological effects associated with exposure to parabens, widely used as preservatives in personal care products, could be due to direct interference with the endocannabinoid system”

“There’s really high-level research showing that endocannabinoids are related in Huntington’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease, different kinds of tremor. But these same molecules that interact with these electrical neuro-circuits are like controlling tumor growth and are signaling in the gastric, the intestinal cell lining, to regulate healing and scarring. It’s fascinating that this system acts at so many different levels that are related to health and wellbeing.”

“The implication would be that if cannabis interacts with this very subtle and important physiological system, the endocannabinoid system, that it could be used to improve health, to bring the system back into balance if there are some deficits in our own physiology, that for some reason this particular plant interacts in a very profound and deep way with our own physiology and to understand that relationship somehow the endocannabinoid system in crucial.”Read More


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Starting with the fact that “an estimated 264 million people worldwide have some kind of anxiety disorder, with approximately 40 million of them residing in the United States.”

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to treating anxiety disorders. Habitually, talking therapies are combined with anti-anxiety drugs like antidepressants or benzodiazepines (AKA tranquilizers such as Xanax and Valium) for an immediate calming effect. While these treatments may lull patients into a state of anxiety-free calm, long term dependance often results in addiction.

“It’s clear, therefore, that a new class of anti-anxiety medication, without risk of abuse or dependence and free from side effects, must be developed. And the big ‘green’ hope is that the cannabis plant might hold the key.” – Read More

In fact, “boosting CB1 signaling could be a potential therapeutic target for both protecting against and treating anxiety disorders – a theory explored in a preclinical study on mice with low anandamide levels caused by stress-induced anxiety.” 

“While there’s no magic bullet to banish anxiety for good, managing anxiety symptoms is a commonly stated reason why people take cannabis – medical or otherwise.”


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“Endocannabinoids are implicated in so many different disease states, and it fits in with the whole area of cannabis as medicine, and botanical cannabis products tweaking or interacting with the system in a way that there’s just so much potential for pain states and stress states and chronic disease.”

“Some biological effects associated with exposure to parabens, widely used as preservatives in personal care products, could be due to direct interference with the endocannabinoid system” – Read More

“We are more vulnerable to developing anxiety and depression. Indeed, one study showed a clear inverse relationship between anandamide levels and anxiety severity in women with major depression; So in basic terms, the more anandamide deficient we are, the more anxious we may become. Thus, boosting CB1 signaling could be a potential therapeutic target for both protecting against and treating anxiety disorders – a theory explored in a preclinical study on mice with low anandamide levels caused by stress-induced anxiety. ” – Read More 


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“Sleep-related problems continue to drive a large percentage of people to seek relief with cannabis. Poor sleep and lack of sleep cause physiological changes in the body after just one night, resulting in slower reaction times, deceased cognitive performance, less energy, aggravated pain and inflammation, and in many cases overeating or cravings for high-fat, high-carbohydrate “comfort” foods.”

In fact, “cannabinoids have been used for centuries to promote sleepiness and to help people stay asleep. In the acclaimed medical reference Materia Medica, published in the 18th century, cannabis was listed as a ‘narcotica’ and ‘anodyna’ (pain reliever). Its reintroduction to Western medicine by Sir William B. O’Shaughnessy in 1843 led to studies that underscored the remedial properties of “Indian hemp” for sleep disorders.” – Read More

“The combination of odiferous terpenes present in a given cannabis strain or product can also significantly impact sleep. Individual terpenes have sedating or stimulating effects, thus affecting the sleep-wake cycle. Terpenes can be therapeutic in their own right. As important modulators of cannabinoids, terpenes contribute significantly to how a given cannabis strain or cultivar makes one feel.”


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“As a clinician, I see many people suffering with chronic pain and, like other physicians, I want to do something to help them. Fortunately, I have an alternative. I have an option that I know is safe and effective in the treatment of chronic pain.

“Adding cannabis to opioids makes the opioids safer. Cannabis can prevent opioid tolerance building and the need for dose escalation. Cannabis can treat the symptoms of opioid withdrawal. And cannabis is safer than other harm reduction options for people that are addicted or dependent on opioids.”

In addition to keeping people in treatment, replacing and reducing the opioids, improving the pain relief that opioids provide, and preventing opioid dose escalation and tolerance, cannabis can also treat the symptoms of opioid withdrawal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, muscle spasms, anxiety, agitation, restlessness, insomnia, and also minor symptoms like runny nose and sweating. Cannabis can treat all of these withdrawal symptoms.”

Significant medical benefits are attributed to a non-intoxicating sister molecule of THC called CBD or cannabidiol. CBD has been shown to reduce the side effects caused by THC and to enhance the benefits of THC. In some animal studiesCBD has been shown to decrease addictive behavior; medical scientists found that the heroin-seeking behavior of self-administering rats decreased when the animals were given CBD.” – Read More

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cBD TreatS the root cause of refractory pain

“The study focused on treating refractory patients – meaning people who are stably taking medications, but haven’t found relief. Just under half of their patients were taking two other drugs, while nearly a third took at least three. These drugs were severe central sedatives, including opioids, anti-convulsants, nerve blockers, and anti-depressants.

Half of patients (47%) got enough relief from cannabis to reduce or cease their painkiller usage.

Given the intensity of the drugs people were already taking, it was astounding to find that half of patients (47%) got enough relief from cannabis to reduce or cease their painkiller usage.” – Read More


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