Franny’s Farmacy has become a respected name in the wellness industry, renowned for its premium hemp-based products. Customers have shared their genuine feedback, expressing their delight and appreciation for the brand’s exceptional offerings. In this blog...
In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an all-too-familiar companion. The demands of work, relationships, and daily responsibilities can leave us feeling overwhelmed and tense. At the end of a long, exhausting day, finding a way to unwind and relax is...
Luck Reunion presents this discussion in which we’ll dive into what a cannabinoid (there are over 160 of them!) is and how they can work in your body. Speakers include: Shayda Torabi, Franny Tacy, Jocelyn Sheltraw, and Leah Lakstins To learn more about Franny’s...
At Franny’s, our mission from the beginning has been to bring wellness to the world through hemp. Franny’s Farmacy offers the total package. Vertically integrated, franchisees are lifted and supported by every aspect of the business. Franny’s controls their...